Wednesday, March 23, 2016


Picture:Students protesting taken from

A movement that brought the world to a stand still.

The fees must fall hashtag was more than just a hashtag that trended the most in South Africa during the year 2015. It was an enormous movement that aimed to allow the financially needy get an opportunity to further their education. It is a movement that brought South Africa to a standstill, when students from institutions of higher education across the country marched to the Union Buildings in Pretoria. As they protested for a no fee increment, as fees were already hammering. This in reference to

Minister Blade Nzimande causes a social media frenzy.

Picture: Blade Nzimande taken from

The Minister of Higher Education, Mr Blade Nzimande called up a meeting with the School Representative Council (SRC), student representatives and other members of parliament to discuss the issues that were being faced by students on a daily basis. The Minister of Higher Education, Mr Blade Nzimande then concluded that there was going to be no fee increments. He also told the public that the request of free education in higher institutions of education is far fetched as it would cripple the economy of South Africa, and degrade the standards of higher education in South Africa.Mr Blade was also found to have said that students must fall "off record".Black twitter was not impressed as they scrutinised how the decision excluded specifically black under privileged students and how students were not taken seriously by the Minister. For more information please click on the link Blade Nzimande causes a media frenzy

Students speak out.

Picture: Students protesting taken from,co,za

A media conference was held were all the Vice Chancellors of the Institutions of Higher Education were present. The Vice Chancellors answered all the questions that were being asked by the journalists. They reassured students that registration will commence without any interruptions. This caused a social media frenzy as students expressed their frustrations on twitter and facebook. It would have been a great social media strategy for the institutions of higher education to have proactively tackled issues and by publishing content on their organisational websites that reassures students and staff members that everything is under control. Please click on Vice Chancellors' voice for more information on how vice chancellors responded. Minister of sports and recreation Fikile Mbalula was also very active on social media in support of students and the fees must fall movement.

The institutions of higher education communicate with their stakeholders.

Picture: Logo of the Universty of Johannesburg taken from

The University of Johannesburg alongside other institutions posted on their social media pages that they spent millions of rands on security so as to protect students, staff and heritage on campuses. I think that the institutions of higher education reacted appropriately and accordingly. Hence students maliciously vandalised school property at some campuses. It’s very good that the institutions of higher education addressed all the issues and updated students and staff through their social media. I think it could have been better if there were no fee increments from the word go and if students did not vandalise varsity property, as it unethical. Click on the institutions of higher education respond for more information.

What about the students dreams and ambitions?

I find it strange that no one mentioned the Department of Basic Education and no one from the Department of Basic Education was active on the conversation about the fees must fall movement, as it has some sort of effect on pupils who will very soon want to further their studies at institutions of higher education. I mean what about their dreams and ambitions, will they disappear into thin air. Minister of Basic Education, Angie Motshega should have reminded South Africans about the importance of education and urged Blade Nzimande to consider the under privileged.

No scorn or ridicule.

When conducting a research on the fees must fall movement I did not come across any ridicule, defamation or scorn from prominent brands and other brands alike. All in all majority of the brands conformed to the guidelines of writing for social media and writing for the web. The vice-chancellor of the University of Free State was very active in the conversation and this gave prospective students an impression that their best interests are at heart.


The greatest outcome about the fees must fall movement is that students used social media to establish campaigns that aimed to raise funds for the financially needy. The response was overwhelming as many brands donated money that amounted to thirty million rands. The government injected sixteen million rands in the National Student Financial Aid Scheme to help students that are under privileged. hope the money will go to good use. In reference to

This video depicts the movement that was and still is. Please watch the video to have a broader perspective on the #FeesMustFall movement.


  1. it was 0% increase but the fees are still expensive. Are we still going to strike again for 2016 or it will still be 0% ? that bothers me.

    1. There will not be a need for us to protest again as the fees must fall campaign is an on going operation. No need to worry.

    2. There will not be a need for us to protest again as the fees must fall campaign is an on going operation. No need to worry.

  2. its a good thing that students strive together in the campaign of feesmustfall i mean we dont need more fees to be increasing because we already have a high percentage of students who are not tertiary literate.

    1. We certainly do not need fee increments. We are already paying more than enough annually. That should be enough to pay for maintenance of the institutions.

    2. We certainly do not need fee increments. We are already paying more than enough annually. That should be enough to pay for maintenance of the institutions.

  3. This is a controversial issue but your view on this and the impact it had on social media has made me look at the issue from a different perspective.

  4. Even though the fees have not fallen, but at least the government stated that there'll be 0% increase, so some of us are grateful.

    1. Yes. The fees fell in a sense that there were no fee increments.

    2. Yes. The fees fell in a sense that there were no fee increments.

  5. i do agree that fees have to fall and you pointed out key points in your blog

  6. I am happy that students got to state their opinions but was the campaign enough did fees really fall?

    1. The campaign was more than enough as it is an on going process. The campaign is going to leave a legacy such that even the following generations interests are taken care of proactively. The fees have fallen in sense that our parents can now afford to pay for our tuition fees. Whereas if the fee increment was implemented the fees where going to be astronomical and we probably were not going to be able to pay for our studies.

    2. The campaign was more than enough as it is an on going process. The campaign is going to leave a legacy such that even the following generations interests are taken care of proactively. The fees have fallen in sense that our parents can now afford to pay for our tuition fees. Whereas if the fee increment was implemented the fees where going to be astronomical and we probably were not going to be able to pay for our studies.

  7. The university of Johannesburg truly acted accordingly and they acting on their promised words now.

    1. The University of Johannesburg is the best university throughout South Africa when it comes to being proactive about students needs and wants.

  8. i agree with you when you say''the students shouldn't have vandalized school property'' because as mush as we were angry as students we still need to take care of our property because we will be complaining about not having things which were destroyed by us in the first place.

    1. I agree. At the end of the day, there is no use in improving one thing and destroying the other.

  9. Education should be free. Our generation has a lot of potential and we are restricted by money.

    1. Education can't be free as that would would have serve effects on the economy and the standard of higher education in South Africa. I am just saying.

  10. I don't think that education should be free, but I believe that universities and government to gather enough funds to help students out.

    1. I am certainly with you, especially when you say that higher education should not be free. That would lead to South African universities being extinct. Leaving us with no higher education institutions but these bogus colleges that are not registered.

    2. I am certainly with you, especially when you say that higher education should not be free. That would lead to South African universities being extinct. Leaving us with no higher education institutions but these bogus colleges that are not registered.

  11. This was very bold of students, it has helped a lot of students. Including me

  12. Government responded so quickly,thanks to #FeesMustFall campaign now we have acess to higher education

  13. It's true, this movement was to show the country that we as students are concerned about our education and are willing to fight
